From Tycoon Gaming
- Added /vote command. you can now vote once every 24 hours and receive a daily vote chest
- Added voting to /ignore command
- Changed Firefighter Logic to ensure that flames no longer are in buildings
- Added stats to Aerial Firefighter
- Tweaked Aerial Firefighter paysouts and added experience rewards
- Fixed "ALAN 0" plates once and for all
- Added Spotify in-game overlay system (/spotifive)
- Added a way to disable hunger & thirst for events
- Disabled old unused company resources
- Left arrow now separates food 1000 at a time
- Added portable ATM keybind
- Staff can now make any vehicle invincible in the event server
- Fixed snowrunner suspension state color
- Fixed floating text around the world
- Skills over 1M xp will now turn red in the skills menu
- Double EXP Party duration now updates instantly when more time is added
- Items will always specify if they can or cannot be listed on the market
- Added dev vehicle on the fly adjustments to allow for better balancing of vehicles
- Fixed a bunch of nonfatal error spamming consoles/logs
- Prospecting now shows of much of the reward item you got when displaying in chat
- Added new API endpoints for Faction information Can only be accessed by the Faction Officers or President /faction/size.json (number of members) /faction/members.json (member details) /faction/perks.json (number of perks) /faction/info.json (name, id and tag) /faction/balance.json (credits balance) These endpoints will only show the data for the faction you are currently in
- Allowed non-officer faction members to access /balance /info and /size
- Added Halloween outbreak event
- Added Halloween title to Premium / VIP near cityhall (10k candies)
- StopJob now ends the event mission when within the zone
- Added Trick or Treat bags to prospecting