Cargo train

From Tycoon Gaming

Cargo Train Removal

Cargo trains were removed from Transport Tycoon.
This page is kept for historical purposes.

Train ConductorsTrain emoji.png transport passengers and cargo around the map by rail.

Cargo Train Conductor

  • Go to the Job SelectorJobCenter.png and select the Conductor job.
  • Drive to the red train shelter icon located on the eastern side of Los Santos.
  • Find the floating orange marker and press the indicated button to open the Cargo train spawn menu
  • Spawn your desired train size depending on your conductor level.
  • Drive your train to the starting point and complete the cargo train route.Special Cargo.png
  • You will only earn money from completing your route, cargo train conductor does not yield EXP.
Tiers Cargo Trains Conductor Level Requirement
2 Grain Train Short - Level 10

Long - Level 50

3 Flatbed Train Tiny - Level 5

Medium - Level 25

Long - Level 50

3 Mixed Train Tiny - Level 5

Short - Level 10

Medium - Level 25

4 Tanker Train Tiny - Level 5

Short - Level 10

Medium - Level 25

Long - Level 50

5 Container Train Tiny - Level 5

Short - Level 10

Medium - Level 25

Long - Level 50

Supersize - Level 100