
From Tycoon Gaming
Type Semi-Cab
Class Industrial
Price $150,000
Fuel Type 280L (Diesel)
Top Speed Info.pngThe maximum speed a truck can reach in a straight line.
On Road 81 mph / 130 kmh
Off-Road (-31 mph) 50 mph / 80 kmh
Trailer Attached
Mk4 Not Suitable
Mk10 (-23 mph) 58 mph / 93 kmh
Mk14 (-61 mph) 20 mph / 32 kmh
Acceleration Info.pngDetermines how long it takes for a truck to accelerate from its stationary point to the maximum speed.
0 mph → 81 mph (38s)
Braking Info.pngDetermines how quickly a truck comes to a full stop with full braking force.
81 mph → 0 mph (3s)
Handling Info.pngOverall performance based on the turning radius and steering system. The higher the value, the better the performance. (1.0 - 10.0)
Gears Info.pngThe number of gears a truck has.
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The Brute Blacktop is a Semi-Cab manufactured by Bob322 & Skysder. The vehicle is used for Trucking job and can be bought from the Vehicle Shop for $150,000. Alternatively, you can spawn it free of charge
at one of the Semi Spawners.



Name Price
Turbo Tuning $15.00k


Name Price Picture
Stock $0.00
Blacktop Interior.jpg


Name Price Picture
Paintjob #1 $0.00
Blacktop Paintjob 1.jpg
Paintjob #2 $500.00
Blacktop Paintjob 2.jpg
Paintjob #3 $1.00k
Blacktop Paintjob 3.jpg
Paintjob #4 $1.50k
Blacktop Paintjob 4.jpg
Paintjob #5 $2.00k
Blacktop Paintjob 5.jpg
Paintjob #6 $2.50k
Blacktop Paintjob 6.jpg
Paintjob #7 $3.00k
Blacktop Paintjob 7.jpg
Paintjob #8 $3.50k
Blacktop Paintjob 8.jpg

Extra Parts

Name Picture
Extra Part #1
Blacktop Part 1.jpg
Extra Part #2
Blacktop Part 2.jpg
Extra Part #3
Blacktop Part 3.jpg