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Legacy server removal

Since the Legacy server has been sunset, parts of this article are no longer valid.
This page is kept for historical purposes.
In an effort to create a more balanced economy, Transport Tycoon will move forward from a fresh database. This server has no business tiers for example. Continue reading to figure out more details and find instructions on how to connect to the server you wish to play on.

Where are my stats

Your old stats are now saved on the Legacy server.

Verbatim quote from Collins (Co-Owner of Transport Tycoon)[1]

"Hey @everyone as some of you may have noticed the pinned server is no longer the legacy database and the new FRESH database has taken over it's slot. The reason for this is simple legacy wont be receiving anymore updates, you can feel free to play and enjoy the server in the state that it is in but nothing further will be added. If you wish to experience all the new stuff it can be found on the FRESH database, existing players will keep their old id and new players will still get new ids. Now you're probably asking yourself "why?" and ill explain, over the past 2 years I've thought of many of ways in which to restructure the economy to reduce how inflated it is. Yes of course I coulda just removed business tiers but then all the new players would be stuck in an economy built around business tiers that no longer exist and the rich would simply stay rich. So in the end I decided that it would be best to start over a clean slate while leaving the existing players who enjoy the state of the server to continue to be able to enjoy it, and for those who want to start a new may do so on the FRESH server. overall I do believe this is the best decision going forward as I've not found a way in which i could balance the legacy server so that new and old players could enjoy it equally."

In a nutshell

The old Main server is now a Legacy server that no longer receives updates. To start fresh and continue with updates to come, play on the new server. This is in an effort to create a new balanced economy. You can continue playing on the Legacy server if you do not want new updates and want to continue with your old character.

Connecting to the correct server

How to connect to new server

The new server now has join ID 2epova.
This is also the featured/pinned server from now on.

  • To connect with console (F8), type: connect 2epova (you must be in the server browser for this to work)
  • To connect with the server browser, find Transport Tycoon [NY-1]

How to connect to the old server

The old Legacy server now has join ID njyvop.

  • To connect with console (F8), type: connect njyvop (you must be in the server browser for this to work)
  • To connect with the server browser, find Transport Tycoon [LG-1]

Most notable changes in new server

The new server has some major changes, below is a non-exhaustive list of most influential changes:

  • Business tiers have been removed.
    • Due to this, storages now have an increased base capacity that no longer expands.
  • Some company jobs have become public domain.
    • CollinsCo Cabbie and RTS can now be done by anyone. Visit their headquarters to change to their respective job.
  • Premium no longer gives 50% Bonus EXP
  • Some jobs have their EXP and payout nerfed

Information on the Wiki

The information on the wiki will be adjusted according to changes on the new database. If you continue playing on the Legacy server, the information on the wiki might become inaccurate over time. Older revisions of articles can still be viewed by clicking the History link if you are a logged in editor with the editor theme applied over at https://dash.tycoon.community/wiki/index.php/Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-rendering. For example to view the history of this page, the URL would be as follows: https://dash.tycoon.community/wiki/index.php?title=Legacy&action=history. If you are not logged in you can still reach this page but then you will not have a History button.

glitchdetector has a backup dump of the entire wiki prior to the introduction of the new database. Contact him if you wish for this backup to be distributed to you for community hosting.