AR:Garbage Collector
From Tycoon Gaming
جامع القمامة قد تبدو كوظيفة قذرة, لكن هذه الوظيفة توفر راتباً وخبرة لائقة. سمعت ان إذا قمت بجمع كل النقاط القمامة تحصل على المكافأة!
دليل البداية
- توجه إلى مركز الوظائف
واختر وظيفة جامع القمامة.
- Purchase a trash truck from the Car Dealership.
- Head to the recycling center.
- Start a garbage route, drive to the dedicated markers to collect trash.
- Once your capacity is full head over to any drop off to unload your truck.
Extra information
- The higher your garbage collection skill is, the more capacity your trash truck will have, meaning you will be able to more efficiently do a full route.
- When completing the full route you will get a big Bonus at the end.
- You will also get Skill Tokens for every Trash Marker you pickup
- The Beach Cleaner job can also be used to level up your garbage skill.