- 1 FAQ
- 1.1 ¿Cuál es la mejor manera de ganar dinero?
- 1.2 ¿Cómo comer y beber?
- 1.3 ¿Cómo ganar fuerza? (strenght)
- 1.4 ¿Cómo cambio de trabajo?
- 1.5 ¿Los servidores están vinculados entre sí?
- 1.6 ¿Qué son las barras azules y amarillas en la parte inferior izquierda de la pantalla?
- 1.7 ¿Qué significan las barras al lado del minimapa?
- 1.8 ¿Qué es ese círculo blanco en el mapa?
- 1.9 ¿Cómo puedo poner artículos en el inventario de remolques?
- 1.10 ¿Hay armas en este servidor?
- 1.11 ¿Hay algún menú en este servidor?
- 1.12 ¿Cómo reparo un vehículo que tiene demasiado daño?
- 1.13 ¿Cómo reaparezco mi vehículo?
- 1.14 Ha pasado todo un día y todavía estoy solo en el nivel 1. ¿Hay una forma más rápida de progresar?
- 1.15 ¿Cómo uso ATC? ¿Cómo encuentro qué pistas debo utilizar?
- 1.16 ¿Qué hacen los vouchers?
- 1.17 ¿Qué son los "paquetes especiales"? (Treasure Chests)
- 1.18 ¿Cómo obtener las llaves del cofre del tesoro?
- 1.19 ¿Dónde está el casino?
- 1.20 ¿Por qué sigo escuchando un pitido cuando conduzco vehículos?
- 1.21 ¿Cómo repostar un vehículo?
- 1.22 ¿Puedo aterrizar un helicóptero en cualquier lugar?
- 1.23 ¿Cómo uso las sirenas de vehículos?
- 1.24 ¿Puedo vender mi vehículo a otros jugadores?
- 1.25 ¿Cómo cambio mi apariencia / ropa?
- 1.26 ¿Hay alguna manera de guardar mi atuendo?
- 1.27 ¿Cómo hago comidas completas? (Complete meals)
- 1.28 ¡Los aeropuertos no se están cargando para mí!
- 1.29 ¿Por qué recibo una multa por exceso de velocidad?
- 1.30 ¿Cómo me uno a una facción?
- 1.31 ¿Cómo personalizo MK14?
- 2 Navegando por el menú M
- 3 Control de crucero (velocidad)
- 4 Característica desechada / eliminadas
- 5 Faction FAQ
- 5.1 ¿Puedo mover mi Faction HQ?
- 5.2 ¿Puedo eliminar o mover beneficios? (perks)
- 5.3 ¿Recupero mi dinero si dejo la facción como presidente?
- 5.4 Accidentalmente compré un beneficio, ¿puedo reembolsarlo?
- 5.5 ¿Puedo poner dinero directamente en el saldo de facción?
- 5.6 ¿Puedo cambiar el nombre de mi facción?
- 5.7 ¿Puedo cambiar mi etiqueta de facción?
- 5.8 Mi facción fue cancelada porque elegí un nombre inapropiado, ¿puedo obtener un reembolso?
- 5.9 Accidentalmente abandoné mi facción, ¿cómo me vuelvo a unir?
¿Cuál es la mejor manera de ganar dinero?
There is no “best way.” Do what job you think you will enjoy the most. We have done our best to balance all job payouts.
¿Cómo comer y beber?
¿Cómo ganar fuerza? (strenght)
You gain strength by completing tasks for a job and either receiving Strength experience and/or vouchers that you can turn in at the Grand Exchange.
¿Cómo cambio de trabajo?
You can change your job at any of the 12 Job Centers, these are orange briefcases on your map. The closest Job Center to City Hall
is the Lifeinvader building. Other Job Centers are located at Maze Bank, LSIA, SSIA, Sandy Shores Hospital, Grapeseed, and Paleto Bay Clinic.
¿Los servidores están vinculados entre sí?
Yes. The Servers share one database so it doesn't matter on which server you play.
¿Qué son las barras azules y amarillas en la parte inferior izquierda de la pantalla?
The yellow bar is your hunger, and the blue bar is your thirst. If you get too hungry or thirsty, your character will fall unconscious. Buy food and drink from markets to stay alive!
¿Qué significan las barras al lado del minimapa?
Here’s a handy image showcasing most of the common elements you will see.
Some of the bars may only show up when you’re in a vehicle, some only when you’re the driver, and some only when in specific vehicles.
When using a trailer, a third damage bar will appear on the right. This bar indicates the trailers damage.
When in an aircraft, an altitude meter will appear in the bottom left corner of the map, this will tell you your current altitude in feet.
¿Qué es ese círculo blanco en el mapa?
¿Cómo puedo poner artículos en el inventario de remolques?
There are Multiple Ways to do that. Firstly the Access from the M Menu: M→Vehicle Options→Access Trunk→Put (Quantity)
Then we also have a radial Menu on the Key B When you Press and hold the Key there is Radial Menu just click now on "Open Trailer" and it will open for you.
¿Hay armas en este servidor?
The only weapons on the server can be obtained through jobs that use them, such as hunter, but you aren’t able to target other players, only AI. Weapons can also be obtained from special easter egg locations.
¿Hay algún menú en este servidor?
The only menus we have are the M menu, the player list (hold X) and the 8 menu. You can use the M menu to despawn your vehicle, call emergency services, access your inventory, and more.
The 8 menu is only available in a vehicle. It gives you options for your Engine(on/off), Doors (open/close), Speed limiter, Vehicle mods (Liveries/Modifications) and Windows (open/close). No clientside menus are allowed on the server.
¿Cómo reparo un vehículo que tiene demasiado daño?
¿Cómo reaparezco mi vehículo?
Ha pasado todo un día y todavía estoy solo en el nivel 1. ¿Hay una forma más rápida de progresar?
The point is for you to work hard to level up in the tier system. It will take a while, but it is definitely achievable and fulfilling if you put in the time. We have a community of very happy players that started poor on day one and are now billionaires!
¿Cómo uso ATC? ¿Cómo encuentro qué pistas debo utilizar?
To use ATC, press TAB. As for the runways, by the rule of thumb, the shortest runway will be JET, and the bigger one will be MAIN. There are only 2 airports (that are typically used) that have more than those two. There are SIDE runways at LSIA, SANDY, and Pacific Ocean (PO). Side runways are almost always right next to the main runways.
¿Qué hacen los vouchers?
You can receive vouchers from many places, such as completing jobs, from special packages, purchasing them from the marketplace or trading with players. You can turn these vouchers in at the Grand Exchange for experience and, in some cases, money.
¿Qué son los "paquetes especiales"? (Treasure Chests)
Special packages are loot crates that “fall” from the sky. They can contain a plethora of items including but not limited to gift cards, food, vouchers, and vehicle cards. They drop occasionally in bunches or when you gain a level one will drop nearby. They are yellow treasure chests on the map.
¿Cómo obtener las llaves del cofre del tesoro?
You can get Treasure Chest keys from picking up chests or break down High- or Medium grade chests High grade gives you 2 keys and Medium grade gives you 1.
¿Dónde está el casino?
You can find the Casino in the LiveInvader Building on the second floor.
¿Por qué sigo escuchando un pitido cuando conduzco vehículos?
Your seatbelt is not fastened! Stop your vehicle for 5 seconds and your seatbelt will be fastened, alternatively, you can make your seatbelt always be instantly fastened by toggling permanent seatbelt in the Player Options section of the M menu.
¿Cómo repostar un vehículo?
To refuel you now can drive up to a gas pump and it will give you the option to refuel your vehicle. For diesel-fueled vehicles you must refuel them at a fuel station with diesel pumps. You can buy a jerry can at any market at a gas station, they will be marked as “Market (Gas Station)”. If you walk up to a gas pump you can also fuel up your purchased jerry can to fuel up your vehicle anywhere!
¿Puedo aterrizar un helicóptero en cualquier lugar?
You can land a helicopter anywhere as long as it does not block other players. For example, you can land your helicopter on the road but don’t leave it there like a numpty.
¿Cómo uso las sirenas de vehículos?
Vehicle sirens can be turned on/off by first enabling the lights with E and then pressing R (Or the cinematic camera button)
Vehicle sirens will not stay on when you exit the vehicle.
¿Puedo vender mi vehículo a otros jugadores?
No you cant sell vehicles to other players. But you can sell them at a Garage you will get 15% of the price back you paid for it.
¿Cómo cambio mi apariencia / ropa?
¿Hay alguna manera de guardar mi atuendo?
Yes there is a way. You can save your outfit in an House if you Own one. Houses are Placed around the map.
¿Cómo hago comidas completas? (Complete meals)
In the kitchen of your House, you can craft Complete Meals with components, obtained by breaking down other food items. The exact components needed will be shown. Complete Meals fully saturate your hunger and thirst. You can also find Complete Meals in treasure chests.
¡Los aeropuertos no se están cargando para mí!
No need to fear citizen! To load these airport you need to press ESC (or whatever key opens your GTA V map) Navigate to Settings>Advanced Graphics>High Detail Streaming While Flying and turn it on.
¿Por qué recibo una multa por exceso de velocidad?
Well the most obvious reason was you were driving to fast. The Speed Cameras are set to 105 km/h (65 mph) so if you go 104 km/h (65 mph) you dont trigger them.
¿Cómo me uno a una facción?
There are multiple ways to join a Faction. First of all you need to open the Faction menu with "/faction". Then you can join an Public Faction or get an Invite from an Faction Owner. The Easiest way here is joining a Public Faction.
¿Cómo personalizo MK14?
First drive over your MK14 to Los Santos Customs (Open space LSC like the one at LSIA is better for this) using a semi-cab. Detach the trailer, open your trailer's trunk using M menu and physically walk inside and then press "F".
When you first join, the M menu can be a bit confusing. Here is a guide on how each section of the menu works and how to use it.
1. M→Vehicle Options: If you have purchased a vehicle (and not stolen it off the street) from the car or aircraft dealer, you can access the trunk amongst other things.
Accessing the trunk is one of the most common things you will do in this menu, and this is mostly used for trucking. To load cargo into your trunk from your inventory, use the following command:
- M→Vehicle Options→Access Trunk→Put (Quantity)
You can put your cargo into the trunk to transport more of it. To do this, use the following: - M→Vehicle Options→Access Trunk→Take (Quantity)
- You can also “Put All” which will put all items with weight into your trunk. “Put Everything” which will put every item in your inventory into the trunk. “Repeat Take” which will take exactly what you took on your last take.
- M→Vehicle Options→Auto Park (Delete) will despawn your vehicle. You can respawn it again at a garage, which are the blue house icons.
- M→Vehicle Options→Detach cargobob is used if you have attached a vehicle or trailer with the cargobob and want to release it.
- M→Vehicle Options→Detach Tow Truck is never used. Don’t use this. Es brok3n D: this is so sad, Alexa, play despacito!
- M→Vehicle Options→Trailer is never used. Don’t use this. Es brok3n D: this is so sad, Hey Google, buy Shrek 2!
- M→Vehicle Options→Engine on/off is pretty straightforward.
- M→Vehicle Options→Lock/unlock vehicle is pretty straightforward. Beware that locking your vehicle also locks you out so if you somehow loose ownership of your vehicle by being too far away you will not be able to get back in!
3. M→Inventory is where your items are stored when you obtain cargo or consumables such as food, pills, and repair kits.
4. M→Manage Company this is irrelevant unless you are a management rank or higher in a company.
5. M→Phone/Services is important. If you die or if your vehicle becomes too damaged to continue, you will use your phone to contact a paramedic or a mechanic to come and help you. When you make a call, you only need to call them ONE time. If you call more than once, they have the right to consider your calls spam and not come help you at all. An example call to a paramedic is as follows: M→Phone/Services→EMS/Paramedic. EMS or Mechanics are NOT required to help you and can deny service at any time.
6. M→Player List allows you to customize different things about how your name and title are displayed on the player list.
- Open/Close this opens and closes your player list, alternatively you can hold X.
- Titles/Achievements allows you to apply different titles beside your name to show the accomplishments you’ve made :D.
- Reset Changes will reset any changes you have made to your title or icon in the player list.
7. M→Player Options Is used for many important tasks.
- Change to Leisure Pilot this instantly changes your job to leisure pilot, required to fly leisure aircraft. Note that you cannot change back to your job before and will have to use a job card or go to a job centre.
- Driver Menu this enables the driver menu once you reach player level 10. Press 6 once you’ve enabled it to spawn a driver and give it different commands
- Emotes this allows you to choose from a large amount of emotes your player can perform.
- Give Money this allows you to give the closest player to you money. Note there is a 5% tax on all given money that YOU pay. If you don’t want to be charged this tax take out a gift card from a bank machine.
- Interface Options this allows you to adjust a few interface things like your flight instruments or minimap, mostly useless to players.
- Navigational Assistant this menu is extremely useful. You can select different categories and it will give you lists of important locations. Once you select one it will draw you a route on your map to the location.
- Pet Menu similar to the Driver Menu this enables the Pet Menu which you can use to spawn a pet and give it commands. Once enabled press 9 to open the menu. You need to be player level 5 to use.
- Activate Rebreather this activates a purchases rebreather. You can purchase a rebreather at a shop at the Del Perro Beach.
- Toggle Mobile Radio allows you to listen to the in-game radio while not in a vehicle.
- Toggle Permanent Seatbelt allows you to make it so your seatbelt is always fastened when you enter a vehicle so no more annoying beeping!
9. M→Skills is where you can see your server stats. If you accidentally close out of the M menu and the skills screen stays up, just select M→Skills again and it will go away.
10. M→Staff Panel is where you can submit bug reports, suggestions for server improvements, and admin tickets. NOTE: If you submit an admin ticket, be specific about what you need us for. If you leave a ticket blank, we will NOT come to help you. If you submit a player report staff will be notified online and offline so don’t abuse this. Also, do not submit false reports, all reports are taken seriously.
11. M→Stop job is the command you use if you are in the middle of a mission/job and you would like to cancel it. This is most commonly used for piloting routes, and any AI missions that your job has given you.
12. M→zDelete if you are driving a vehicle spawned with a vehicle card use this option to delete it (you can only see this option if you are in a voucher car)
Control de crucero (velocidad)
The Cruise Control system is used to lock the speed of a vehicle without holding the accelerator. The Cruise Control will not work in Planes, Helicopters or with the Job Street Racer.
Característica desechada / eliminadas
the ELS (Emergency Light System) was removed due to a multitude of reasons.
- It required client mods to look passable
- It caused a lot of sound issues
- It conflicted with a lot of other scripts
Faction FAQ
¿Puedo mover mi Faction HQ?
¿Puedo eliminar o mover beneficios? (perks)
You can remove perks.
To move perks, you need to remove the perk, then re-purchase it.
¿Recupero mi dinero si dejo la facción como presidente?
Accidentalmente compré un beneficio, ¿puedo reembolsarlo?
¿Puedo poner dinero directamente en el saldo de facción?
No, money is only added from profits.
¿Puedo cambiar el nombre de mi facción?
Currently, no.
¿Puedo cambiar mi etiqueta de facción?
Mi facción fue cancelada porque elegí un nombre inapropiado, ¿puedo obtener un reembolso?
No, you idiot.
Accidentalmente abandoné mi facción, ¿cómo me vuelvo a unir?
You must be re-invited by a faction manager. If the faction is public you can also rejoin through the /faction menu