Self Storages
Self Storages are locations on the map where players can deposit and withdraw items. Self Storages are crucial for higher end trucking.
Trainyard Self Storages have a linked storage, meaning that you can deposit items at one Trainyard and retrieve it from another.
Free Self Storages (except for company storages) and Trainyard Self Storages will have a set deposit fee per item. This can range from $50 to $250 per item. (example: depositing 500 sand and 100 sawdust at a $250 fee self storage, you would have to pay $150,000)
The self storage fee can be completely voided by having Storage Cards. They let you store a set of items for free. (taking our example scenario, depositing 500 sand and 100 sawdust would now be completely free and two cards would be consumed as you have two different sets of items).
Storage Cards
Storage cards can be obtained by looting Treasure or by successfully paying off loans at the Pacific Standard Bank
. As all loans give 5 self storage cards it would be optimal to take $50,000 loans. If one owns the Pacific Standard bank it would be useful to spawn there when logging in, taking a $50,000 loan and then collecting business money through the bonus collector
for a minimum of 5 self storage cards per day.
Self Storage Transfer License
A Self Storage Transfer License allows you to transfer items from your Self Storage to any other online user that also owns that storage. If there is a fee for placing items in this storage you will also pay a fee for transferring items. The License lasts for 7 days and costs $5,000,000 (5M)