Revision as of 21:17, 12 February 2022 by Elfshot (talk | contribs) (Remove file content of "Server list CDN file"- too lengthy and unnecessary)


From Tycoon Gaming

Transport Tycoon API

The api for TT follows a few standard principles:

  • Certain routes will return different data based on server
  • Every server requires a different URL to fetch data from, instead of one standardized URL
  • Every route uses the /status endpoint

Available servers

Note: Secondary adress listings are the proxy- usage is the same.

Address Server Name Additional Information

Server 2

Server 5 (Beta) Beta server, data could end up being different compared to other servers

[LITE] Transportation Runs a different gamemode, does not respond to standard Transport Tycoon API calls. sessionmanager/players.json will fetch a list of players.

Server list CDN file

Tycoon's CDN hosts a permanent JSON file that returns a list of servers, their player information endpoint, and a template for formatting API URL calls to each server. In addition to the main Transport Tycoon servers, it also includes information for the [LITE] Transportation server. The file is available at

API Keys

TL;DR: Create a new key using /api key new

Add charges using /api key refill (adds 1000 charges for $1M)

The API requires an API Key to access most features.

Each key has a limited amount of API calls (also called charges), which are consumed every time an API call is made using the key. Additional charges can be purchased in game using the /api key refill command at the cost of $1000 (in-game money) per charge. Any user can generate an API key; this key is said user's private key. (Make sure you keep it safe!) To generate a key, use the /api key new command in game. If you already have a key generated, the old one will be deleted and a new one will take its place. When you generate a key for the first time, it will come with some free charges allowing you to test the API for free. The API key can be copied using the /api key copy command, which will display the key for you to copy to your clipboard. Any user with a linked Discord account will receive a Discord role upon refilling their keys.

Privacy related options

As the API has become more and more commonly used, it is now possible to restrict access to your player/personal data so that only your API key can query it. In order to restrict access, do /api lock in game, and privacy will be enabled.

API Endpoints

General notes

  • API keys should be sent as headers, like such: X-Tycoon-Key: [api-key]
  • Each endpoint here will mention if a key is required to be used. Note that currently, every route which requires a key will only use 1 charge per request.
  • Typically, this data is returned as JSON, unless explicitly mentioned.
  • Most routes will have a response header called X-Tycoon-Charges, which will give you the number of charges remaining after the request.

Standard status codes

  • 401 Unauthorized - An API key is required for the route
  • 402 Payment Required - No API charges remaining
  • 403 Forbidden - Invalid API key
  • 404 Not Found - Invalid API route

Main endpoints

GET /alive

This endpoint is simply designed to be used as a status check for the API.

  • Code: 204 NO CONTENT
  • Requires key: false

GET /charges.json

Used to check how many charges are left on the specific key. Will not use an API charge.

  • Code: 200 OK
  • Requires key: true

Response data: An array where index 0 is the amount of charges remaining


GET /economy.csv

Fetches general info about the economy of TT, such as the amount of billionaires, etc.

  • Code: 200 OK
  • Requires key: false

Response data: The response is a large CSV file separated with semicolons, with a lot of data about the economy in Transport Tycoon.


GET /skillrotation.json

Fetches the current skill rotation for the servers

  • Code: 200 OK
  • Requires key: true

Response data:

  "bonus": 11, // Bonus percentage (10-30)
  "skill": "Cargo Piloting" // Name of the skill it applies to

Server-specific endpoints

GET /weather.json

Fetches info about the current weather on the server, including how long until it changes.

  • Code: 200 OK
  • Requires key: true

Response data: The response is a JSON object containing weather data.

  "time_remaining": 1497, // Time in seconds until next weather change
  "current_weather": "drizzling" // The current weather on the server

GET /forecast.json

Fetches info about the current forecast on the server.

  • Code: 200 OK
  • Requires key: true

Response data: The response is a JSON object containing forecast data.

  'CLEAR',      'OVERCAST',
  'RAIN',       'RAIN',
  'RAIN',       'CLOUDS',

GET /airline.json

Returns the current active destinations for players doing airline.

  • Code: 200 OK
  • Requires key: true

Response data:

  "875": [ // Route number
    "Velum", // Vehicle model / name
    { // Destination
      "z": 20.51197052002,
      "y": 6583.7412109375,
      "x": 2777.1384277344,
      "h":  47.063835144043,
      "airport": "MGA"
      "name": "Mount Gordo Terminal 3"
    false, // Boarding/arrived (set once the plane is unloading)
    41306 // vRP id

GET /players.json

Fetches basic data about the current players on the server.

  • Code: 200 OK
  • Requires key: false

Response data:

  "players": [
      "xxxx", // [0] user name
      895, //    [1] source id
      41306 //   [2] vRP id

GET /map/positions.json

Fetches the data of players, including position and vehicle data, along with each player's last 20 locations separated by around 4 seconds.
Note: the position history doesn't seem to apply to every player, so make sure to check if this data exists first!

  • Code: 200 OK
  • Requires key: true

Response data:

  "players": [
      "xxxx", // Player name
      820, // Source ID (FiveM assigned plyr ID)
      41306, // vRP id
      { // Position
        "z": 16.24852180480957, // Current X coordinate
        "y": 5180.30029296875,  // Current Y coordinate
        "x": -2179.143798828125 // Current Z coordinate
      { // Vehicle Data
        "vehicle_type": "helicopter",
        "vehicle_name": "Maverick",
        "vehicle_label": "MAVERICK",
        "vehicle_class": 15, // Vehicle class id, see
        "vehicle_spawn": "maverick",
        "owned_vehicles": {
          "trailer": "drybulktr",
          "cab": "urnext",
          "car": "rc350"
        "vehicle_model": -1660661558, // Model hash
        "trailer": "",
        "has_trailer": false
      { // Job data
        "group": "firefighter",
        "name": "Firefighter"
      [ // Incremental position history
          78, //     Incremental index
          3612.8, // X
          3766.1, // Y
          32.3    // Z
  "caches": 6648,
  "requests": 6834

GET /widget/players.json

Fetches basic data about the current players on the server.

  • Code: 200 OK
  • Requires key: false

Response data:

  "server": {
    "number": "1",
    "dxp": [
      true, // Dxp active
      "xxxx", // Dxp host
      22474824, // Time remaining
      0, // Extra DXP time
      6325176 // How long the Dxp has been active
    "limit": 128, // Player limit
    "region": "OS",
    "uptime": "14h 25m",
    "beta": "",
    "motd": "",
    "name": ""
  "players": [
      "xxxx", // Username
      895, // Source ID (FiveM assigned plyr ID)
      434912, // vRP id
      "img", // Avatar url
      false, // Staff
      "Train Conductor", // Job
      false // Donator

Global endpoints

These endpoints should return data regardless of the server they are run on (excluding Beta and [LITE]). These endpoints are related to user data.

GET /top10/[statName]

Fetches the top 10 info for the specific stat. Available stats:



  • Code: 200 OK
  • Requires key: true

Response data:

  "code": "200",
  "stat": "toll_paid",
  "top": [
      "amount": 14765137,
      "username": "xxxxx",
      "user_id": 41306

GET /config/[resourceName]

Pulls the config.lua of specific server resources which support this. Available resources:

Type/Job Config Path
Bus Job omni_busdriver
Business omni_businesses
Garages omni_garbage
Heli Job omni_helitour
EMS/Paramedic omni_paramedic
Conductor omni_pax
Postop Ground omni_postop_ground
Postop Air omni_postop_air
Self Storages omni_self_storage
Houses, Stuff in Houses vrp


  • Code: 200 OK
  • Requires key: false

Response data: The lua file which configures the given resource.

--[[ omni_businesses CONFIG 1/1 (sh_businesses.lua) ]]--
      name = "Jonny Tung",
      id = "biz_tung",
      cost = 25*10^6,
      reqlvl = {">61"},
      visuallvl = "62",
      position = {name = "Jonny Tung", x = -902.894836, y = -227.015121, z = 39.818169, h = 331.733337}, -- glitchdetector (3)
      special = {
          {type = "special", name = "Location", x = -905.682617, y = -232.291809, z = 39.818180, h = 137.194992},
          {type = "garage", name = "Garage", x = -900.111206, y = -201.733612, z = 38.247940, h = 71.658554}, -- glitchdetector (3)

GET /snowflake2user/[discordId]

Converts the discord snowflake into a vRP id, for use in other endpoints.

  • Code: 200 OK
  • Requires key: true

Response data:

  "code": "200",
  "user_id": 41306,
  "discord_id": 138725221749358592,
  "type": "linked"

GET /getuserbiz/[vRPid]

Get users owned businesses.

  • Code: 200 OK
  • Requires key: true

Response data:

  "code": "200",
  "businesses": {
    "biz_vespucci_masks": 14 // [id]: level
  "user_id": 41306

GET /ownedvehicles/[vRPid]

Get users owned vehicles.

  • Code: 200 OK
  • Requires key: true

Response data:

  "code": "200",
  "vehicles": {
    "trailers2": ["trailer", 2750], // Model: array[class, inventory_size]
    "vestra": ["aircraft", 30],
    "bmx": ["bicycle", 10],
    "neon": ["car", 10],
    "hakuchou": ["bike", 10],
    "hauler2": ["cab", 10]
  "user_id": 41306

GET /data/[vRPid]

Get users data, such as inventory, clothing, and more.

  • Code: 200 OK
  • Requires key: true

Response data:

{ // Too much data to display and annotate, try and experiment, and dont be afraid to ask around!
  "code": "200",
  "data_type": "data_offline",
  "user_id": 41306,
  "data": {
    "inventory": {
      "group_card|mechanic|Mechanic": {
        "amount": 10

GET /dataadv/[vRPid]

Get users data with more detailed item info (weight, name, etc).

  • Code: 200 OK
  • Requires key: true

Response data:

  "amount": 185,
  "weight": 0.0,
  "name": "<span style=\"color:lawngreen\">Sandwich</span>"

GET /chest/[chestName]

Allows you to fetch the items inside of chests.
Chest naming scheme cheatsheat:

  • Fetch vehicle storage: u[vRPid]veh_[vehClass]_[model]
  • Fetch home storage: u[vRPid]home
  • Fetch backpack storage: u[vRPid]backpack
  • Fetch faction storage: self_storage:[vRPid]:faq_[factionId]:chest
  • Other storage: self_storage:[vRPid]:[storageId]:chest


  • Code: 200 OK
  • Requires key: true

Response data:

  "data":  {
    "refined_flint":  {
      "amount":  288
    "scrap_gravel":  {
      "amount":  48
    "tcargodust":  {
      "amount":  1650
    "refined_sand":  {
      "amount":  504
  "code":  "200",
  "data_type":  "chest",
  "chest":  "self_storage:41306:faq_56:chest"

GET /wealth/[vRPid]

Returns users wealth

Note: User Must be online to obtain wealth Data


  • Code: 200 OK
  • Requires key: true

Response data:

  "user_id": 256983,
  "wallet": 101256983,
  "bank": 0,
  "loan": 0,
  "code": "200"

Faction endpoints

This data also fits under the "Global endpoint" category, however, there are many faction-related endpoints, so it's simpler to combine them into one small section.
Do note, all endpoints except GET /getuserfaq/[vRPid] are related to the faction the key creator is in and may require a certain rank in the faction.

GET /getuserfaq/[vRPid]

Returns the faction the user is in, if in any.


  • Code: 200 OK
  • Requires key: true

Response data:

    "is_in_faction": true,
    "faction_id": 56,
    "code": "200",
    "user_id": xxxxx

GET /faction/size.json

Returns the amount of members in faction.


  • Code: 200 OK
  • Requires key: true

Response data:

[787] // 0: Member count

GET /faction/members.json

Returns the info of the members in a faction.


  • Code: 200 OK
  • Requires key: true

Response data:

  { // Most of this data is self explanatory
    "earned": 2199936,
    "management": 0,
    "user_id": 1,
    "admin": 0,
    "recruiter": 1,
    "username": [ // Username as UTF-16 character codes
    "joined": 1608662095000.0 // Timestamp of when the user joined

GET /faction/perks.json

Returns the amount of perks a faction has


  • Code: 200 OK
  • Requires key: true

Response data:

[39] // 0: Perk amount

GET /faction/balance.json

Returns the factions balance


  • Code: 200 OK
  • Requires key: true

Response data:

[107965.0] // 0: Faction balance

GET /faction/info.json

Returns some basic faction info


  • Code: 200 OK
  • Requires key: true

Response data:

  "tag": "The Corrupt",
  "faction_id": 56,
  "name": "CoCo"

[LITE] endpoints

These endpoints are specific to the [LITE] Transportation server and are not shared with the main Transport Tycoon servers.

GET sessionmanager/players.json

Returns a list of players, similar to the main servers' status/widget/players.json.


  • Code: 200 OK
  • Requires key: false

Response data:

  "server": {
    "number": "",
    "dxp": [false],
    "motd": "",
    "beta": "",
    "name": "[LITE] Transportation",
    "region": "",
    "uptime": "50h 12m",
    "limit": 32
  "players": [
      "91",      // Source ID? (FiveM-assigned player ID)
      "Trucker", // Job