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ID:Airline Pilot

From Tycoon Gaming
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Pilot komersilAirline emoji.png adalah salah satu pekerjaan (dan keahlian) yang tersedia di Transport Tycoon. Sebagai pilot komersil, kalian akan mengantarkan penumpang dari dan menuju berbagai macam bandara. Kalian akan memulai dari pesawat kecil dan secara bertahap akan mulai menerbangkan pesawat yang lebih besar. Seperti pekerjaan berjenjang lainnya, upah kalian sangat bergantung pada progres kalian dalam keahlian (skill) tersebut.

Getting Started

ATC itu wajib, pastikan untuk membaca panduan ini dengan menyeluruh sebelum sebelum terbang. Jika kalian tidak menggunakan ATC, kalian akan mendapatkan peringatan yang jika berkelanjutan akan menyebabkan kalian di ban.
Untuk memulai, seperti pekerjaan lain, kalian harus mengunjungi Job CenterJobCenter.png (pusat pekerjaan) atau memiliki kartu pekerjaan (job card) yang sesuai dan ganti pekerjaan kalian ke pilot komersil (Airline Pilot).
Untuk membeli pesawat pertama, kalian harus mengunjungi LSIA Aircraft Dealership Aircraft Shop.png (toko pesawat), yang terletak di barat laut Bandara Los Santos di belakang Los Santos Customs. Selain itu Aircraft Shop (toko pesawat) juga dapat kalian temukan di SSIA dan Mount Gordo Airport.
Pesawat yang paling murah memilik harga $20K, jika kalian butuh uang, sementara lakukanlah pekerjaan lain seperti UPS atau kunjungi Fountain of Wealth (Air Mancur Kekayaan).
Setelah kalian membeli pesawat, spawn (keluarkan) pesawat kalian di Aircraft Garage (garasi pesawat) Aircraft Garage.png dan memulai taxi ke terminal Terminal.png . Di terminal, kalian akan diminta untuk menekan "E" untuk menyuruh penumpang memasuki pesawat. Pastikan untuk tidak keluar dari pesawat atau zona keberangkatan atau kalian akan dihukum dengan diberi 10 menit cooldown. Setelah semua penumpang menaiki pesawat kalian akan melihat ikon terminal yang lebih cerah Terminal Destination.png . Terbanglah ke bandara yang dituju (selalu gunakan ATC dan turunkan penumpang di gerbang yang ditandai. Setelah semua penumpang diturunkan, kalian akan diberi upah dengan uang dan Skill Token, setelah itu secara otomatis akan menaikkan penumpang baru yang perlu kalian antar ke bandara lain.

Bonus Pekerjaan

Untuk mendapatkan Airline EXP dan uang lebih banyak dari pekerjaan ini, kaliah bisa membawa Airline Meals atau Complete Meals yang akan meningkatkan upah yang kalian dapat dari pekerjaan ini! Untuk membuat Airline Meals, kalian harus menjadi Refreigerated Trucking supir truk makanan dengan kombinasi pekerjaan lain yaitu Fishing (nelayan) atau [[ID:Hunter|Hunting] (pemburu) untuk mendapatkan daging. Complete Meals juga dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif dan dapat dibuat di rumah pemain dengan komponen yang didapatkan dari menghancukan makanan di inventory kalian. Tolong dicatat Complete Meals berfungsi sama seperti Airline Meals, namun Complete Meals hanya memberikan bonus setengah dari Airline Meals.

Airline Airplanes

Below are the requirements and costs of all available Passenger Aircraft. The (de)boarding time depends on the Tier of your airliner. (Tier x 10 seconds).

Name Price Level Requirement Tier
$20,000 Airline Pilot Level 1 Tier 1
$95,000 Airline Pilot Level 3 Tier 2
$320,000 Airline Pilot Level 6 Tier 3
$580,000 Airline Pilot Level 10 Tier 4
$950,000 Airline Pilot Level 15 Tier 5
$1,250,000 Airline Pilot Level 20 Tier 6
$1,820,000 Airline Pilot Level 30 Tier 7
Miljet Mk. II
$2,500,000 Airline Pilot Level 45 Tier 8
Imperial Yard
$3,200,000 Airline Pilot Level 60
Cargo Pilot Level 20
Tier 9
$15,000,000 Airline Pilot Level 75
Cargo Pilot Level 50
Tier 10

ATC (Air Traffic Control)

ATC takeoff Take Off.png

ATC is a big part of both Airline and Cargo piloting. Here we will discuss what ATC is, why it is important and how to operate. ATC, like used in the real world, is used in TT to alert other pilots of everyone else's surroundings. our ATC system is primarily used for landing and taking off on runways. The reason this is so important is to avoid air traffic collisions.THIS IS A MANDATORY RULE TO FOLLOW. To use the ATC system in-game, you will need to be in a plane. Press the TAB key to open up the ATC menu, you will see a list of airports, select the one you are at. The closest airport will be marked with a green ribbon. Check if the runway is clear (yellow colour on map), and then request takeoff before entering the runway. (If you are unsure which runway is which, refer to the airport runway maps below.) Double check if the runway has changed to a green colour. If it has, you will have a few seconds to initiate takeoff.

ATC on landing Land.png

ATC on landing is a very similar concept. When you approach your destination airport, think of which runway best suits you. Consider your current Bearing, Plane and Distance. At airports, there are 3 types of Runway: MAIN, JET and SIDE. Learn to use these appropriately and many players will thank you for it. Firstly the JET runway. As implied by the name, this runway is for small aircraft. Usually, these runways have far less wingspan accommodation and running length. When new to airline piloting, please ensure you use these runways (when available) as to not inconvenience larger aircraft such as an A330. the second runway is MAIN, this is a large runway that can accommodate both Heavy and Light aircraft and is usually the player's first choice. SIDE is the exact same as MAIN despite location and name, used for when airport traffic is heavy and Pilots need an alternate runway to land at.

Airport Runway Maps

Heavy and Light Aircraft Distinction

When you are new to Airline Piloting, you will start out in a light aircraft. As you fly you will most likely see in the chat that a [HEAVY] plane has requested takeoff or land. Bigger aircraft's speed, wingspan and stopping distance increase, meaning they are unable to land on JET runways. This is why it's important to land at JET runways if you are able to, meaning that the MAIN/SIDE runways are available for heavier planes to land.

Company Aircraft

Certain aircraft are locked behind companies. As you fly, you may see aircraft that you are not able to purchase. These are company planes. The 2 companies that currently operate in the aviation sector are Imperial Airlines and CollinsCo. When you have progressed far enough in piloting, you can always consider joining these companies (refer to the #company-ads in the Discord)


  • Since the changelog of 16 July 2019 it is no longer possible to Co-pilot. Co-piloting was a feature where a passenger was able to earn vouchers and money just by sitting in the passenger seat (while still pressing "E" at terminals). They even received a Copiloting bonus.