For a list of Businesses, click here
For a sortable table of Businesses, click here
Businesses are just that - a place for you to invest your wealth to get a return in profits over a period of time.
Businesses generate a bonus that can be picked up every 3 hours up until their maximum capacity at 16 stacks. This takes 48 hours total (Real-Time.)
You can find the bonus on the map indicated by either a Yellow Dollar sign (Business has a bonus ready for collecting.) Or a Blue Dollar Sign
(Business has a full stack of 16 ready for collecting and will not generate any more bonuses.)
Every bonus has a chance to give a little bit extra money on pickup. - Experience for Business also does not stack, if you wish to optimize leveling you are required to pick up the bonus every 3 hours.
Business Bonus Collectors (Red Dollar Sign) allow you to collect from all businesses at once at a cost of 20% of the total income. The Pacific Standard Bank and Factions have this perk.
Business List - Price and Perks
A Note - Vanilla Unicorn does not have Self Storage as indicated.
The Trainyards have linked storages - You can access that storage from any of the Trainyards.
Image Provided by Architect_Cobra
Helpful Documents by Community Member
- Businesses Spreadsheet V4 (Original made by Oedze & modified by Ti-Mobeil):