From Tycoon Gaming
Pit Sandbox
<button id="myButton">Click me</button>
document.getElementById("myButton").addEventListener("click", function() { (() => { = 'Comic Sans MS';
// OwO whats this vewsion 6.9.?c ~ :3 // I h-hope you l-like it...
let stutterChance = 0.1; let prefixChance = 0.05; let suffixChance = 0.15; let words = { love: 'wuv', mr: 'mistuh', dog: 'doggo', cat: 'kitteh', hello: 'henwo', hell: 'heck', fuck: 'fwick', fuk: 'fwick', shit: 'shoot', friend: 'fwend', stop: 'stawp', god: 'gosh', dick: 'peepee', penis: 'peepee' }; let suffixes = [ '(ノ´ з `)ノ', '( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡', '(´,,•ω•,,)♡', '(*≧▽≦)', 'ɾ⚈▿⚈ɹ', '( ゚∀ ゚)', '( ・ ̫・)', '( •́ .̫ •̀ )', '(▰˘v˘▰)', '(・ω・)', '✾(〜 ☌ω☌)〜✾', '(ᗒᗨᗕ)', '(・`ω´・)', ':3', '>:3', 'hehe', 'xox', '>3<', 'murr~', 'UwU', '*gwomps*' ]; let prefixes = [ 'OwO', 'OwO whats this?', '*unbuttons shirt*', '*nuzzles*', '*waises paw*', '*notices bulge*', '*blushes*', '*giggles*', 'hehe' ];
function replaceAll(text, map) { let source = Object.keys(map).map(i => `\\b${i}`); let re = new RegExp(`(?:${source.join(')|(?:')})`, 'gi'); return text.replace(re, match => { let out = map[match.toLowerCase()]; // Not very tidy way to work out if the word is capitalised if ((match.match(/[A-Z]/g) || []).length > match.length / 2) out = out.toUpperCase(); return out; }); }
function owoify(text) { text = replaceAll(text, words); // OwO text = text.replace(/[rl]/gi, match => match.charCodeAt(0) < 97 ? 'W' : 'w' ); // Nya >;3 text = text.replace(/n[aeiou]/gi, match => `${match[0]}${match.charCodeAt(1) < 97 ? 'Y' : 'y'}${match[1]}` ); // Words that end in y like cummy wummy text = text.replace(/\b[A-V,X-Z,a-v,x-z]\w{3,}y\b/gi, match => `${match} ${match.charCodeAt(0) < 97 ? 'W' : 'w'}${match.slice(1)}` ); // S-stutter text = text.split(' ').map(word => { if (word.length === 0 || word[0].match(/[a-zA-Z]/) == null) return word; while (Math.random() < stutterChance) { word = `${word[0]}-${word}`; } return word; }).join(' '); // Prefixes if (Math.random() < prefixChance) { text = `${text} ${suffixes[Math.floor(Math.random() * suffixes.length)]}`; } // Suffixes if (Math.random() < suffixChance) { text = `${prefixes[Math.floor(Math.random() * prefixes.length)]} ${text}`; } return text; }
function recurse(node) { if (['STYLE', 'SCRIPT', 'NOSCRIPT', 'IFRAME', 'OBJECT'].includes(node.tagName)) return; for (let child of node.childNodes) { recurse(child); } if (node.nodeType === 3 && node.nodeValue != null) { node.nodeValue = owoify(node.nodeValue); } }
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- Yes, I like foxes;
- No, I won't say: "What does the fox say?".
Polish translations, but nowadays mostly Commands and Binds.