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From Tycoon Gaming
(Technical FAQ translated into Spanish.)
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Bienvenido a las preguntas frecuentes técnicas (FAQ Técnica)
Welcome to the technical FAQ
Estas preguntas frecuentes contestan tus preguntas técnicas sencillas o intentan resolver los problemas lo más rápido posible.
this FAQ answers your simple technical questions and tries to resolve issues as fast as possible.
Para preguntas más frecuentes en general, visite [[ES:FAQ]]
For more generally Frequently Asked Questions, visit [[FAQ]]
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==Falta Iconos/Blips==
==Missing Icons/Blips==
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Ese “error” puede pasar por un error de carga o solo una configuración. De otra manera, puede ser que tú no ha descubierto el Blip todavía, como tenemos un script de descubrimiento que solo enseña el Blip cuando estabas ahí por lo menos una vez.
That "error" can happen through a loading error or just a setting. Otherwise it could also be that you just didn't Discovered that Blip yet as we got a Discovery Script which only show the Blip when you were there at least once.
Si no ves ninguno Blips en absoluto es un error y tú lo puedes resolver con un sencillo reinicio de sesión.  
If you don't see any Blips at all then it's an error and you can resolve it with a simple Reconnect.
if the reconnect didn't resolve the issue, then please move to the [[#Clear Cache|Clear Cache]] section and try to clear your cache.
Si el reinicio no te resolvió tu problema, entonces por favor mueve a la sección de [[#Clear Cache|Clear Cache]] y trata de despejar tu cache.
|Si tu ves unos de Blips como de garajes, puntos de combustible y negocios no comprado. 
|If you just see a Couple Blips like Garages, Fuel Points and unbought Businesses
Then open your '''M Menu''', go into '''Player Options''' and then into '''Interface options'''.
Entonces abre tu '''M Menu''', abre a '''Player Options''' y despues ve a '''Interface options'''.
Search the '''Toggle Map Blips''' Option and press it '''Two times'''
Busque la opción '''Toggle Map Blips''' y presiónalo '''Dos veces'''
Busque la opción y presiónalo
|If you just see a Couple Blips , Fuel Points, Traffic Permit markets and Pills
|Si tú ves un par de Blips, puntos de combustible, mercados de permiso de tráfico y Pastillas
Then open your '''M Menu''', go into '''Player Options''' and then into '''Interface options'''.
Search the '''Toggle Map Blips''' Option and press it '''One time'''
Despues abre tu '''M Menu''', ve a '''Player Options''' y despues a '''Interface options'''.
Busque a la opción '''Toggle Map Blips''' y presiónalo '''Una vez'''  
|In the end the Map should look like this:
|En el final es mapa debería verse así:
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==Mapa esta fallando==
==Map is glitching out==
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Transport Tycoon muestra a mucho más blips que originalmente era entendido para Grand Theft Auto V. Esto ase que el mapa funcione mal a veces.
Transport Tycoon displays a lot more blips than was originally intended for Grand Theft Auto V. This causes the map to malfunction at times.
===Blip equivocado está seleccionado/No se puede seleccionar blips/No se puede mover el mapa===
===Wrong blip is being selected/Can not select blips/Can not move the map===
To temporarily fix this issue, switch to a different menu tab with Q or E, let that new tab load in and then go back to the Map. You should now be able to interact with the map correctly again.
Para arreglar este problema temporalmente, cambia a un menú diferente con Q o E, deja que la pestaña nueva se cargue y después ve patra al mapa. Tú deberías tener la habilidad de interactuar con el mapa correctamente de nuevo.
===Waypoint is being placed somewhere else===
See temporary fix above. Alternatively you can place a <i>Point Of Interest</i> (TAB by default). You can then place your waypoint on the POI. POI's do not save between sessions.
===Punto de ruta está puesto en otro lugar===
===Map Legend is flickering===
This is due to hitting a hard limit of blip types. To fix this issue you will need to hide some blips. To do this, type <code>/blip</code>, select <i>Hidden Blips</i> and hide blips you do not use.
Ve al arreglo temporal. Alternativamente, puedes poner un <i>Point Of Interest / Punto de Interés)</i> (TAB por omisión) Tú puedes poner el punto de ruta en el Punto de Interés. Los puntos de interés no se guarden entre sesiones.
===Legenda de Mapa está tembloroso===
Esto pasa porque está golpeando a un límite duro de tipos de blips. Para arreglar este problema tienes que esconder algunos blips. Para hacer esto, escribe, <code>/blips</code> seleccioné <i>Hidden Blips</i> y esconde lo blips que no estás usando.
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==Clear Cache==
==Borrar Cache==
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¿Entonces quieres saber como despejar tu caché cuando tropiezas a un crash en el servidor y/o no puedes iniciar de nuevo?
So you want to know how to clear your cache as you encounter a crash on the server and/or cant join anymore?
  1. Press WIN+R
  2. Type in "%localappdata%\FiveM\FiveM.app" or "%localappdata%\FiveM" dependant on when you installed FiveM
  1. Presione WIN+R
  3. You are now in your Application Folder where you want to delete the file "cache.xml"
  2. Escribe "%localappdata%\FiveM\FiveM.app" or "%localappdata%\FiveM" dependiendo en cuando instalastes FiveM.
  4. Now as you deleted that file try to join one of the servers
  3. Tú ahora estás en la carpeta de Aplicación donde tú quieres borrar el archivo llamado "cache.xml"
  5. If that didn't help then go back to Step 1 and continue after that with step 6.
  4. Ahora qué as borrado el archivo trata de unirse a uno de los servidores.
  6. So the 3rd step didn't work then now as you are again in the Application folder go also into the Cache folder.
  5. Si eso no te ayude, ve atrás al Paso 1 y continuas después de con Paso 6.
  7. After the re-verification try to join the server again.
  6. Si el tercer paso no trabajo, entonces ve al archivo de Aplicación de nuevo y ve al archivo de Caché.
  8. If that also didn't work go back into the cache folder and also delete the server's folder.
  7. Después de reverificación reintenté unirse al servidor otra vez.
  8.1 This will delete all server files you have downloaded and need to re-download them when you join the Server.
  8. Si eso también no te funcione entre al archivo de caché y también borres al archivo del servidor.
  9. When Step 8, 8.1 don't work you want to delete the Game folder (this will re-verify the game files)
  8.1 Esto va a borrar todos los archivos que has descargado y necesitas re-descargar cuando te unes al servidor.
  9. Cuando Paso 8, 8.1 no te funciona, ve borras el archivo del juego (esto va a re-verificar los archivos de juego)
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==Error de autenticación de Steam: Http 429==
==Steam authentication failed: Http 429==
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Note: This method will only work if you have other active identifiers linked to your account.
Nota: Este método solo te va a funcionar si tienes otros identificadores vinculados a tu cuenta.
To fix this you need to close steam: Go to the top left of the screen Steam > Exit or use task manager to close the steam bootstrapper.  
Once steam has fully closed. Launch FiveM and join the server.
Para arreglar esto tienes que cerrar a steam: Ve arriba a la izquierda de la pantalla Steam > Cerrar o usa task manager para cerrar el bootstrapper de steam.
After you have loaded into the server you are free to open steam again.
Ya cuando steam a cerrado completamente. Inicie a FiveM y unirse al servidor.
Después que de tu unirse al servidor tú estás libre para abrir steam otra vez.  
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==yaml-cpp: error at line x, column xx: illegal EOF in scalar==
==yaml-cpp: error at line x, column xx: illegal EOF in scalar==
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Este error es común en FiveM el único arreglo de nosotros sería tratar a volverte a conectar al servidor.
That error is an common FiveM error the only fix from our side would be to just retry to join the server.
Se puede tomar hasta 40 reintentos.
It could take up to 40 retries.
De lo contrario, tú puedes presionar enter y deberías conectar de una vez.
Otherwise, you could also just press enter and it should connect right away
Otherwise, you could also just press enter and it should connect right away
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==No se pudo acceder al servidor GetInfo después de 3 intentos==
==Failed to GetInfo server after 3 attempts==
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This is a common FiveM error. Try connecting through http://connect.tycoon.community, http://ttstats.eu, or press F8 and type: <code><u>connect 2epova</u></code> <small>(main server)</small> or <code><u>connect njyvop</u></code> <small>(beta server)</small> .
Este es un error común de FiveM. Trata de conectar de http://connect.tycoon.community, http://ttstats.eu, o presione F8 y escribe: <code><u>connect 2epova</u></code> <small>(main server)</small> or <code><u>connect njyvop</u></code> <small>(beta server)</small> .
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==Aeropuertos no cargado==
==Airports are not loading in==
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Este es un asunto común en FiveM Mapas de Streaming que usamos para los aeropuertos. Para arreglar esto ve a Esc -> Settings -> Advanced Graphics -> High Detail Streaming> On
This is a common issue with FiveM Streaming Maps that we use for the Airports. To fix this please go to Esc -> Settings -> Advanced Graphics -> High Detail Streaming While Flying> On
Esto va a arreglar los problemas de los aeropuertos no cargado cuando estás volando.
This will fix the issues of airports not loading in whilst flying!
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==Cayéndote por el suelo? ¿Texturas del mundo empezando a desaparecer? ¿Edificios se ve de poca calidad?==
==Falling through the ground? World textures start to disappear? Buildings looking like mush?==
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Try highering the <i>Extended Texture Budget</i> bit by bit until the issue stops.<br> Do not max out this setting all at once as this can worsen the situation and can cause other issues:
Trata de aumentar el <i>Extended Texture Budget</i> poco a poco hasta que el problema se detiene.<br> No maximices esta configuración de una vez porque esto puede hacer la situación peor y causar otros problemas.
  Esc -> Settings -> Graphics -> Extended Texture Budget
  Esc -> Settings -> Graphics -> Extended Texture Budget
Ponga la calidad de tu textura en normal:
Set your texture quality to normal:
  Esc -> Settings -> Graphics -> Texture Quality -> Normal
  Esc -> Settings -> Graphics -> Texture Quality -> Normal

Latest revision as of 03:40, 16 August 2024

Spanish French Dutch Polish Czech Russian

Welcome to the technical FAQ

this FAQ answers your simple technical questions and tries to resolve issues as fast as possible.

For more generally Frequently Asked Questions, visit FAQ

Missing Icons/Blips

That "error" can happen through a loading error or just a setting. Otherwise it could also be that you just didn't Discovered that Blip yet as we got a Discovery Script which only show the Blip when you were there at least once.

If you don't see any Blips at all then it's an error and you can resolve it with a simple Reconnect. if the reconnect didn't resolve the issue, then please move to the Clear Cache section and try to clear your cache.

If you just see a Couple Blips like Garages, Fuel Points and unbought Businesses

Then open your M Menu, go into Player Options and then into Interface options. Search the Toggle Map Blips Option and press it Two times

Toggle Blip 1.png
If you just see a Couple Blips , Fuel Points, Traffic Permit markets and Pills

Then open your M Menu, go into Player Options and then into Interface options. Search the Toggle Map Blips Option and press it One time

Toggle Blip 2.png
In the end the Map should look like this:
Toggle Blip all.png

Map is glitching out

Transport Tycoon displays a lot more blips than was originally intended for Grand Theft Auto V. This causes the map to malfunction at times.

Wrong blip is being selected/Can not select blips/Can not move the map

To temporarily fix this issue, switch to a different menu tab with Q or E, let that new tab load in and then go back to the Map. You should now be able to interact with the map correctly again.

Waypoint is being placed somewhere else

See temporary fix above. Alternatively you can place a Point Of Interest (TAB by default). You can then place your waypoint on the POI. POI's do not save between sessions.

Map Legend is flickering

This is due to hitting a hard limit of blip types. To fix this issue you will need to hide some blips. To do this, type /blip, select Hidden Blips and hide blips you do not use.

Clear Cache

So you want to know how to clear your cache as you encounter a crash on the server and/or cant join anymore?

1. Press WIN+R
2. Type in "%localappdata%\FiveM\FiveM.app" or "%localappdata%\FiveM" dependant on when you installed FiveM
3. You are now in your Application Folder where you want to delete the file "cache.xml"
4. Now as you deleted that file try to join one of the servers
5. If that didn't help then go back to Step 1 and continue after that with step 6.
6. So the 3rd step didn't work then now as you are again in the Application folder go also into the Cache folder.
7. After the re-verification try to join the server again.
8. If that also didn't work go back into the cache folder and also delete the server's folder.
8.1 This will delete all server files you have downloaded and need to re-download them when you join the Server.
9. When Step 8, 8.1 don't work you want to delete the Game folder (this will re-verify the game files)

Steam authentication failed: Http 429

Note: This method will only work if you have other active identifiers linked to your account.

To fix this you need to close steam: Go to the top left of the screen Steam > Exit or use task manager to close the steam bootstrapper. Once steam has fully closed. Launch FiveM and join the server. After you have loaded into the server you are free to open steam again.

yaml-cpp: error at line x, column xx: illegal EOF in scalar

That error is an common FiveM error the only fix from our side would be to just retry to join the server. It could take up to 40 retries.

Otherwise, you could also just press enter and it should connect right away

Failed to GetInfo server after 3 attempts

This is a common FiveM error. Try connecting through http://connect.tycoon.community, http://ttstats.eu, or press F8 and type: connect 2epova (main server) or connect njyvop (beta server) .

Airports are not loading in

This is a common issue with FiveM Streaming Maps that we use for the Airports. To fix this please go to Esc -> Settings -> Advanced Graphics -> High Detail Streaming While Flying> On

This will fix the issues of airports not loading in whilst flying!

Falling through the ground? World textures start to disappear? Buildings looking like mush?

Try highering the Extended Texture Budget bit by bit until the issue stops.
Do not max out this setting all at once as this can worsen the situation and can cause other issues:

Esc -> Settings -> Graphics -> Extended Texture Budget

Set your texture quality to normal:

Esc -> Settings -> Graphics -> Texture Quality -> Normal